What Real Friends Are

As I sat here ecstatic this evening to have been chosen for Examiner.com  I was exchanging texts with my best friend. I couldn’t wait to tell her! In the texts I thanked her for believing in me, as my dreams now become a reality. She has been a true friend to me, and I admire her. Many years have passed since we first met at Broadman Baptist Church 18 years ago, and she has always been true to me. She has been honest, and loyal. She has offered advice that I hoped to hear and advice that has hurt, and I am glad she loved me enough to offer it. I cherish her.

Upon thanking her she replies “Girl that’s what real friends do! Love you enough through the rough times so they can celebrate with you in the good times!” And she is right. That is what real friends do. They are beside you cheering you on. They tell you the truth no matter how bad it hurts. They believe in you when you find you can’t. They pick you up when you are down. They can tell by the tone of your voice that something is wrong. They love you as you are. They accept you. They are beautiful!

I thank God for her. I don’t know what I would do without her. She has been my rock through this journey. And as year three of single parenting for me soon turns into year four, we can finally celebrate. I am on the right path. I have been blessed with a wonderful friendship. Thanks for cheering me on. I love you!

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.