Curling Coach Murray Stroeder Has Heart Attack And Dies After Pfizer Vaccine

Murray Stroeder received his Pfizer vaccination on April 1, 2021 and died of cardiac arrest April 27, 2021. According to his daughter Kelsey Stroeder, Murray had no history of heart trouble and was healthy prior to his shot.

Murray was a former board member for CURLSASK. He volunteered his time coaching and mentoring others in the sport of Curling. He was also “an athlete at the club and provincial level”, according to CURLSASK.

Murray was a likable and well respected man, whose presence will be missed. He was active in his community and loved by many. Our thoughts will be with Murray’s friends and family as they grieve his loss. His life was one that was well lived.

If you have a story regarding a loved one who has been injured, is suffering from lingering side effects, or who has passed away and you suspect the vaccine attributed to the injury or death, please contact me. We need more families to speak up. These “coincidences” appear to be happening in all age groups and to all races. It is a global issue and we need all hands on deck.

Speak up! Your silence is consent.

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