A Message From The Universe

imageThe turtle.

Symbolic of …..

Strength. Longevity. Endurance. Persistence. Order. 

Creation. Patience. Stability. Innocence. Protection.

And the continuation of life (sometimes against incredible odds).

They are the wisest of souls in the animal kingdom.

Having this beautiful creature cross my path on a busy road sent my mind on a path of its own. Only I could be inspired by a turtle it seems. And only I would stop a car in the middle of a busy road….. to take pictures of a turtle.

But the more I thought about it and read about turtles, the more it appeared to be a message from the universe. It was a message for myself and for others it seemed.

imageSo what did this turtle come to tell us? 

Take it easy.

Take life one day at a time.

Accept what comes your way and keep moving forward.

Do not react, but do protect yourself.

Your pace does not matter.

Never compare your speed to the speed of someone else in life’s race. The slower and steadier ones, are the ones who usually win in the end. You will get there. 

Be patient.

Be wise.

And never give up. You’ve got this!

Love Is Like A Tattoo

I designed this greeting card after having reflected upon my own life as well as the lives of others. Once true love is found; it will always exist.  It may change forms but it is still there somehow. While on some days the flame will be brighter than others; it will never go away.

We may cover it, and we may hide it but still we know it is there. And sometimes others can catch a glimpse of it without us even knowing that they noticed. Like a tattoo, love is hard to hide.

Just as ink covers the body we all long to be covered in love. And just as the ink creates a design that becomes a beautiful piece of art, love paints a picture for us all that we will always hold close to our heart.

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerer, 2009-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.