The Humor Of Headlines On Social Networking Sites

Headlines can tell a lot about a person. Typically by reading about 10 of them on a page we can  tell if that person is a positive or negative person.  I have listed the headlines as I read them when browsing profiles of strangers last night. Next to what they had as their headline I have listed what the person really meant to say.

(WARNING:This exercise is intended to be humorous and is not intended for paranoid people. May cause the participants to self-check and have flashbacks of this blog prior to every headline they post from the time of reading and forward. Those without personality should not read this. )

“Sick of crazy ex’s!”   What they meant to put is “I’m the crazy ex!”

“Tired of people not telling the truth!”  What they meant is ” I could not tell the truth if my life depended on it.”

“My life is a mess” they meant to say  “I am a mess”

“My toe, throat, neck, tooth, or back  hurts” they meant to say  “can someone please feel sorry for me so I can justify this bad day?”

“My kids are out of control”  should read  ” I have slacked in my parenting and now things are out of control. It is my own fault. “

“I hate my parents!” should read ” Darn it, they got me again. And they are right! “

” Drama, why can’t people leave me alone”  really says  “maybe I should quit running my mouth and stirring up trouble.”

“Some people suck!” should read “I hate it when people call me out!”

“I don’t care about what anyone thinks of me!” means “I get hung up when people don’t like me!”

“My relationship status is complicated”  truly means  “I really want to test the waters. Perhaps cheat. Is there something better out there for me?”

“I want to slap someone” should read “I need slapped. I am ignorant.”

“Some people never change”  says  “I’m so busy watching other people I don’t look at myself. I fear change”

“Hates cheaters”  says  “Hey everyone, I have cheated before!”

“Anybody have someone they can fix me up with?” really says, “Hey all! I’m lonely, insecure, and desperate. Please send an innocent loved one for me to inflict my misery on. Thank you!”

“I’m amazed with what people do to make a quick buck”  says  “man I wish I had some drive and ambition. I should do something with my life. “

Now that you know what headlines say to me, what do headlines say to you? There is some humor in them.  Who projects negative and who projects positive? What are they really trying to say? Do you have any to add to this list?


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© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Want To Know The Secret To Life?

Many are unaware of the secret to life; the law of attraction. Our thoughts attract what goes on in our life. If you think negative, you attract negative. If you think positive, you attract positive. Do you think it is coincidence that the same people repeatedly attract good things? It is not, it is simply their thought process.

If you can visualize it, you can achieve it. If you want anything bad enough, it is yours. No matter what, your thoughts create your universe. Positive thoughts will bring positive results, every single time! Observe others, and take mental notes. Are good things happening because they have a good attitude? Are bad things happening because they consistently speak of bad things? It’s interesting what we see, when we look!

I highly recommend this video. It’s 20 minutes of the actual documentary. This 20 minutes, could change the course of your life! “Whatever goes on in your mind, you are attracting to you.” Bob Proctor

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