On Top Of Spaghetti


Have you ever caught yourself singing this classical song from the old movie Lady and The Tramp?

“On top of spaghetti all covered with cheese, I lost my poor meatballs when somebody sneezed”.

Have you ever felt that way about life? Everything is lined up on the plate and looking tasty. Just as you are about to savor that first bite someone sneezes, and there goes the meatballs.

It can be a slow recovery when it happens, because with meatballs the five second rule doesn’t apply. Sometimes you just have to start over.

The good news is, you will be more protective of the next plate. Then alas, you will be able to enjoy the meatballs you worked so hard to prepare.

Little did you know when the last batch was lost, that the next batch made will be your best work yet!

Bona Petite!

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerer, 2009-2015. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Believe In Yourself, Or Nobody Will!

So many dreams would become realities if those that dreamed them did one simple thing, “Believe in themselves.”

So often we give up on the desires of our heart due to rejection, fear, anxiety, doubt, lack of motivation, depression etc. In doing that, we lose sight of what’s important, our dream.

If you can dream it, you can do it! Don’t let the negativity of other people stop you. Others are typically only negative about it because you are doing something that they fell short of doing themselves. What they don’t realize, is that because you continue to believe in yourself you will succeed, and you my friend will get the final laugh. Not them.

When you find yourself around people that don’t believe in what you are doing, draw an invisible line and maintain your distance. It doesn’t mean you have to be rude, or even tell them. For every negative thing they do/say list 10 reasons they are wrong.

Say to yourself:

I believe in this!

I believe in me!

I believe this is possible!

I believe God will allow me to obtain it!

I believe your negativity is only a test!

I believe I will win!

I believe this has crossed my path for a reason!

I believe in the impossible!

I believe I will not let you get me down!

You can list whatever you want, whatever fits for you. Just stay positive and keep believing. As soon as you let seeds of doubt get planted and you stop believing, it becomes the impossible dream.

Dream it!

Believe it!

Do it!

Positive thoughts bring positive results!

If you don’t believe in you, how can anyone else?

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerer with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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ABC’s of Life Series – Day 4 Letter D : Dreaming Is A Must

ABC’s of Life Series

Day 4, Letter D


Dreaming Is A Must

We all are born to dream. Sometimes we just have a hard time believing  in our dreams enough to follow through. We get stuck in these ruts of being comfortable, and find ourselves afraid to take a risk. However, we need to take a risk; to achieve a gain.

This world has developed due to people’s dreams and their determination to make those dreams a reality. Because someone dared to dream, we now communicate in this world faster than ever before. We build luxurious homes, we dine at the finest restaurants, and we wear some of the most lavish clothing.

Because someone dared to dream we have cures for diseases. Infants can live prematurely for weeks ahead of schedule and still survive. We are living longer, and for the most part we are healthier too.

Thank goodness people in this world have dreams. I am grateful that no matter how many times people were told it could not be done, someone made it a point to do it anyway. They followed their heart, and they succeeded.

Dreams keep us alive and give us something to look forward to. Dreams advance the world and grant opportunities like never before. Dreams, are a key to happiness. Fulfilling them is when happiness has nearly been mastered.

“Not only must we take time to dream, but we must make the time for our dreams to come true.”                    

What is your dream? Are you ready to make it happen? It can be done ….



Day 5 Letter E: Exercise Your Freedom Of Speech 

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

We Have To Believe, To Receive

We teach our children to believe in Santa if they want gifts from him at Christmas. We teach them to believe in the Easter Bunny despite the fact that rabbits do not lay eggs. We teach them to believe that a tooth-fairy comes and leaves a magical gift under a pillow. We teach them that in order to receive, they must believe.

Yet as we travel through life ourselves, we find ourselves no longer believing. It starts by figuring out that Santa character and far exceeds a fairy delivering gum or money when we lose a tooth. It was during those times that we began to experience true disappointment.

We then began to train ourselves; not to believe. Instead of training ourselves not to believe in anything anymore; we should think of the homeless man who made something of himself. Or the drug addict that recovered. Then of course there is the marriage that healed itself. As well as the man who couldn’t sing yet he still managed to get a record deal. 

Or better yet there is the  woman who was told that she couldn’t conceive a child; who bore a child anyway. The person who was told they would never walk again; that walked. Not to mention the person that couldn’t be healed; but they were healed anyway.

The difference between this last group of people described and those still wondering why something hasn’t changed or happened in their life yet; is that the group of people mentioned above still believed. Despite all obstacles, they believed. They found a reason, and didn’t let anyone tell them differently.

If we believe we not only receive, but we achieve.

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2011. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

What Faith Can Do

Thought/song of the day:

When the world says you can’t;  faith will tell you that you can.

Everybody falls sometime. But we have to find the strength to rise from the ashes, and make a new beginning. Anyone can feel the ache, we think its more than we can take. But we are stronger, stronger than we know. Don’t  give up now, the sun will soon be shining. We have to face the clouds, to find the silver lining.

I’ve seen dreams  that the move mountains. Hope that doesn’t ever end, even when the sky is falling. I’ve seen miracles just happen, silent prayers get answered, and broken hearts become brand new. That’s what faith can do.

It doesn’t matter what we  have heard, Impossible is not a word. It is a reason, for someone not to try. Everybody’s scared to death, we may decide to take that step out on the water. But it will be alright. Life is so much more, than what your eyes are seeing. But you will find your way, if you keep believing. 

Take Time

I don’t usually write personal blog entries on here, however, today is different. The meaning behind this quote and photo deserve an explanation. This photo was taken in route to meet the president of a publishing company in Nashville a few weeks ago. I was there in  pursuit of my dream.  I was in the midst of becoming an official author.

It was all  just a simple twist of fate that I met this man, especially the way we met. We met on eBay, when he asked a question on an item I had listed. As we wrote back and forth we decided it would be worth both of our while to meet, and we did. It was an answer to my prayers, and a dream come true.

This dream of mine is becoming more real every day. My work will soon be in s15,000 stores across the country. It will be on shelves, which is amazing. Most know that it is hard to get shelf space in this country nearly 1600  books published daily by various authors. So to me just as any other author, this is a huge deal.

I am excited, I am passionate, and I have a zillion things to write. I can’t wait to see what the future holds, as I have more hope now than ever before. My happiness tank at this point, is pretty full. Now if I could land a job with the local newspaper, I would be in heaven.

“Find a dream and chase it. Happiness will then chase you.”

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

The ABC’s Of Life

© Angela Bininger and The Empowerers, 2009-2012. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Angela Bininger and The Empowerers with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Breaking Cycles: Focusing On Who You Want To Be, Not Who You Once Were

“Life is full of cycles. Some are very short-lived, while others can become a habit.” 

When attempting to break a cycle our point of focus will determine our success rate in breaking that particular cycle. Whether it is a lifestyle change or a breaking of bad habits, “We must focus on where we want to be and who we want to be, not where we are or who we are, or were.”

In the midst of breaking a cycle, people may snub you. But that’s ok. With every snub you get there will be people sent to make up for what those judging your positive changes lacked.

Just smile and hold your head high. Focus on who you want to be, and when you get there you can look back and say “aHa! I sure showed them!” You will be glad that you became who you wanted to be all along, and that you didn’t let those doubting you interfere with who you are meant to be.

We all make mistakes, and we all fall down. People who stay down like to pick apart those who get back up, try again, and succeed. Ignore their non-sense, and keep doing what you are doing. Only you can make it happen. And there is a satisfaction in accomplishing things that others think we can’t. It makes me smile anyway.  

Patience 101 – God’s Delays Are Not His Denials

Never think that God’s delays are God’s denials.  Hold on; hold fast; hold out.  Patience is genius.   -Comte de Buffon

I think of many scenarios when I read this quote. When I first read it I thought of a friend from my school years who had several miscarriages and still births. Finally on number six she carried a baby to term that lived.  God was not denying her anything, he simply had a better person for her child to have as a father figure. He had a different plan but still honored this woman’s prayer, over time. This woman believed she would be a mother, and she didn’t give up. And by believing it would happen, it did. Her patience gave her the life she dreamed of. Her refusal to hear from doctor’s “You can’t have children, stop trying” got her where she is today. Most women, would have stopped after a couple times. But this woman is strong, and knew in her heart she deserved this prayer to be answered. And it was. She has a beautiful baby girl. Her story gives me chills every time I think about it.

I also think of that friend with the “strained” marriage.  I think of how her dream as a child was to have a family. Something stable for her children. Some normalcy! I think of how they struggled recently, but by holding on and being patient they are now on the cusp of have that family they dreamed of. Something far better than what that marriage has known for so many years. By getting to the root of their marital problems they are discovering more about themselves and each other. God wasn’t denying them a happy family, He was just making sure they still wanted it. It took a little bit of heartache to move the couple closer, but it has moved them closer together. They held on, they are being patient, and because of that their golden years will be beautiful.

This quote reminds me of one of my favorite Bloggers as she works diligently to restore her marriage, and let go of the past. By God denying her love that resulted in an extra marital affair; her and her husband’s patience in restoring their marriage, the hours of counseling, and soul-searching will give her more love than she has ever known over time. If they are patient. God wasn’t denying anything in those moments of despair as the love affair ended. He was just giving her something better. He gave her a strong man to love her unconditionally, along with a chance to know more about herself. The situation that was once bad, has the potential now to bring a lifetime of happiness. Pure bliss!

When I read this quote I also think about how long I waited for a career. I stayed home with my children many years, and although I have a PhD in child rearing I felt inadequate when it came to careers. I felt like I had not done much with my life. I began nursing school and felt it was the best thing for my life. Every day I would leave for school excited. Thinking about my future as a nurse gave me chills.  It appeared to be the only solution to many problems. But as I sat enrolled in school spending 60 hours a week between my books and classes, it just wasn’t an option for me at this juncture in my life. I felt like I was missing out on my kids lives for something I can do when they are older. The timing just didn’t seem appropriate, and I will never get these tender years with my children back. So I stopped nursing school.

When I stopped nursing school I said I would find a career. That I didn’t need that degree yet. That my children were most important and that I need to be available for them. For  months I waited,  I cried, and I prayed. I watched my savings take a nosedive as I patiently and diligently searched for employment. I knew in my heart of hearts that God wouldn’t let me down. I knew there was something good out there for me.

As  a result of denying what I once thought I wanted, God gave me something better. Something better than a career I was only entering for money and job security. In fact, He gave me my dream. He gave me a career  that works around my children’s schedules. He gave me full-time pay for part-time hours. He gave me a place of employment but I can still  be here to put my kids on the bus every day, and also be here to get them off.  The income potential with this career He gave me in exchange for my patience, surpasses that of the degree I would have received this June. My patience landed me a higher paying career, without that piece of paper that says “she graduated college, she is smart enough to do this”.

These are just some of the things that came to mind when I read that quote. What comes to your mind? What has happened in your life where you thought God was denying you something? Have you thought He was denying it only to find out He had something better planned all along? Was  His plan was just different for you than your plan for you was?

New Season = New Lessons

I hear the birds singing, and love the way the sun kisses my face as I carry out the trash. Oh how I love the start of a new season. And how grateful I am that spring has arrived! As I walked back in from taking out the trash I thought “Uh Oh, new season = new lessons!” “I wonder what lessons are awaiting me this new season…”

This past season, I learned many things. I met new people, reunited with old friends, and built on existing relationships. I distanced myself from some relationships, and even discarded a few. All of which became a requirement for me to grow more, and find the right path.

I learned to never second guess my intuition, and to never doubt God’s plan. I learned the power of patience, and perseverance. I got to see firsthand the power of prayer and it’s ability to move mountains. That part was beautiful!

The biggest lesson I learned this past season was that “behind every failure is an opportunity for success.” I realized that our plan isn’t always His plan. That it is okay to fall, just get back up and keep pedaling! In order to prevent future falls/accidents, do not look back. Peddle like crazy and look straight ahead. Focus on the goal. (We peddled away for a reason, there is no sense in looking back at something we don’t and won’t miss.)

Now I question although I should not, “What will this new season bring?”

I want this to be my season to plant seeds in hopes for a bountiful harvest in the fall. It is the beginning of a beautiful journey. And a happy ending to a story that was once so sad to me. I predict this to be the season of joy! I feel very good about things, and incredibly optimistic! As my feet hit the floor each morning I feel good! I feel like my life has a purpose. I feel secure with who I am, I feel happy.

Whatever lessons lie ahead in this next season, I have faith I will learn and grow from them. I no longer fear change, I welcome it. With every new season, I embrace this journey even more. I didn’t know when or how I would get here, but faith has brought me here. Faith will either keep me here, or take me to an even higher place. None the less, it is time. And I am ready!

Thank you Lord, for such a beautiful life!